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A comparison of Space-Time Multigrid and PFASST with applications to Cardiac Electrophysiology
Comparing the PFASST, MGRIT and Parareal Methods
Parallel-in-Time integration with PFASST: from prototyping to applications
Recent technologies in cardiac electrophysiology | Mr. Kirill Kontsevoi
Next-Generation Time Integration, Part II: SDC, ML-SDC & PFASST
Arrhythmic3D: A Fast Automata based Tool for Simulation of Cardiac Electrophysiology
Bernard D. Kosowsky: Origins of Clinical Electrophysiology
Parallel Space-Time Solution Strategy for Flow Problems
Space-Time Methods for PDEs : From time-stepping to full space-time
Solving PDEs in Space-Time: 4D Tree-Based Adaptivity, Mesh-Free and Matrix-Free Approaches.
Performance Analysis and Benchmarking for pySDC
Arrhythmia Interventions